Over 25 people volunteered there time this weekend to kick-off the grant improvement
project, and we were able to accomplish SO MUCH! If you haven't walked by KPP along Harrison Drive in the last few days, head over and check out the amazing progress that was made. It was the 1st phase of the project in order to get us ready for dirt delivery and much more. Read below to know what's next.
First we'd like to thank everyone who gave their time and energy to dig, rake, pull, cut, and dump... can you believe we filled up that huge dumpster in less than 48 hours?
Special thanks to the following people who helped with the Friday night "Branch Toss", Saturday rock moving/clean out, and the Sunday clean out/digging/etc.:
Rick Elmer
Ted Wells
Jeff Brown
Collins Family: Diana , Rob , Fin
Winber/Rae Family: Julie, Max, Auggie, Azalea
Stacey & Andrew Clune
Amber Smith
Amy Dupays
Rod Dupays
Bobbie Dessoulavy
Casey Batt
Justin & Jakin Schmitz
Vince Szilagyi
Janelle Elmer
Ben Berres
Cole Jackson
It ain't over yet! We've only just begun. Now that we've done the main clean-out prep work, we will build up the garden areas, and get ready to be able to plant - including columnar trees along the fence line and xeriscape perennial gardens. Also, rocks and hard-scaping is part of the plan, so we expect that part to be last.
Please keep your eyes out for dates to volunteer and help be a part of this amazing project. There is still a LOT to accomplish before the City of Centennial's grant project completion deadline, so we will continue to need to come together as a community to improve the public space.
Thank you again, and we look forward to more successful days!